Biomed Jena GmbH

BioMed Jena GmbH was founded in March 1997 for the realization of new product ideas in the field of biomedical engineering.
In cooperation with many research institutions we develop new medical measurement methods and systems for our customers.
Balance diagnostic made in Germany
Vertigo and dizziness are one of most complaints in clinical praxis.
Every 5th adult suffers from vertigo and dizziness. The causes of dizziness can be very different.
With the help of different test procedures, the origin of the dizziness can be diagnosed.
The main focus of diagnostics is on:
Vestibular testing:
>> Video head impulse test (eHIT)
>> Bithermal caloric test (eVNG)
>> Vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (eVEMP)
Oculomotor function:
>> Smooth pursuit test (eVNG)
>> Saccadic test (eVNG)
>> Optocinetic test (eVNG)
>> Fixation suppression (eVNG)
Somatosensoric testing:
>> Posturography (ePOSTURO)
>> Somatosensorisch evozierte Potentiale (SEP)
>> Somatosensory evoked potentials (SEP)
>> Motor evoked potentials (MEP)
>> Acustic evoked potentials (eABR)
The BioMed Jena GmbH offers you all of this devices from one source.
All devices have been developed by us and are also produced at the Jena city.